NYC Foreclosure Defense - Affordable Fee
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Why You Should Defend a Foreclosure Action Even if You Are Behind in Your Mortgage Payments
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New York City or 50-State Defense of Homeowner Foreclosure Actions for an Affordable Fee

Affordable Legal Fee to Defend Foreclosure Action
If you are facing a foreclosure action in any of the five Boroughs of New York City, I will represent you in the foreclosure action for a reasonable fee, which should be affordable for most homeowners. Also, you will have to pay the out-of-pocket expenses, to be billed as they are incurred. Generally speaking, you can expect to remain in your property about 18 months to 2 years from the date that you stop making your monthly mortgage payments. This is my estimate, and the actual time will vary from case to case. During this time, you will be occupying your home without making monthly payments, unless you reach some type of agreement with the lender to try to qualify for a loan modification agreement.
As to foreclosure actions brought in other counties in New York State, or in courts in states where there are judicial foreclosure actions, I would need local counsel on the case, for which the homeowner would have to pay his/her legal fee and expenses. This payment would be in addition to my legal fee.
I have a variety of defenses, offsets and counterclaims from which to select (more than 25 and increasing) for the individual homeowner (according to the facts in any individual case) to ensure that the homeowner is provided what I hope is the best defense available.
IMMEDIATE ACTION Is Important to Avoid (or Cure a) Default for Some Threatened Homeowners
One day's difference for some homeowners can mean the loss of their property. The law is often unforgiving, and if you do not respond to a a summons and complaint in a foreclosure action on a timely basis (generally, 20 days after service, but you have to read the summons to verify this crucial fact), you could lose your home by default.
Even if you are in default in a foreclosure action brought against you, it is possible to make a motion to vacate the default if you act promptely, have excusable neglect for not responding timely to the summons and complaint, and have a meritorious defense.
I am very experienced in making motions to vacate defaults and default judgments, and if you are in this position you should give me a call right away, to get my input for your situation.
My Substantial Civil Litigation Experience
I have had more than 40 years of civil litigation experience in mainly in the federal and state courts in New York City and surrounding area.
I am highly experienced in many types of civil litigation, including the following:
- Foreclosure defense for homeowners - with 25 or more defenses, and increasing
- Foreclosure defense for commercial property owners
- Commercial litigation of most types
- Copyright infringement and theft of idea
- Trademark infringement
- Antitrust
- Breach of contract
- Unjust enrichment
- Fraud
- Rescission
- Defamation (libel, slander, trade or business libel)
- Price discrimination
- Injunctions and other extraordinary or preliminary relief
- Attachments and vacating attachments
- Orders to show cause
- Vacating Default judgments
- Insurance
- Real estate
- Agricultural acts
- Financial
- Securities and the securities industry
- Internet
- Business
- Marketing practices
- Defending civil actions brought by government agencies
- Forfeiture
- Licensing
- Whistleblower litigation
To Contact Me, Use Email Preferably, or Give Me a Call
To talk about your foreclosure matter, whether it is in NYC or anywhere else in the United States, please send me an email giving me a good time (day or night) to call you to discuss your matter. Click on I am flexible with my hours and your use of email will enable me to get back to you promptly. If you choose not to use email, you can call me at my office number, 212-307-4444 or my cell telephone,917-453-9376.
I look forward to talking with you. There is no charge for any preliminary discussions.